Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Let me catch you up to

                                                   God is Good!

I know I am NO GOOD at keeping up with this blog. However, BEWARE........When I do write, I spill my heart and Soul. Vow Renewal was the Most Special Moment between Steven and I. I will Cherish it forever. God CAME THROUGH and I have witnessed a Miracle in our Marriage. He was preparing us to appreciate what he was about to do in and of our lives. I believe there are a lot of things to be learned from our situation. Right now, I have friends who just don't quite understand how a situation could seem so OUTRIGHT WRONG and then all of a sudden, it is AMAZING!!!!!!  Well guess what? I would have to question you in whether or not you TRULY BELIEVE that our God is strong enough to perform MIRACLES. He didn't just perform them in the Bible folks....He still DOES!!!! You just have to believe. My heart actually goes out to those who have NOT YET accepted my decisions I have made. My prayer is that in someway God will speak to YOU. I KNOW that I am right where I NEED TO BE! No marriage is ever perfect and if you tell me it is, I'm going to call you a liar....Truth is, You will NEVER find perfection on this earth as long as you are a Child of God. There are days when I have to be the backbone and there are days when the roles are reversed. Now that's what I CALL A PARTNERSHIP!

My health these days...Well if you read Facebook you will see that it's an up and down roller coaster ride. I Really would like to stop riding it. lol Just have to get to the point of acceptance that this NEW LIFE that I have and the NEW ME that it has created. I no longer have the same abilities and talents that I use to....BUT I have NEW ONES! :)  I have facebook friends that are fibro fighters right along with me and to those of you who get sick of the Fibro education Posts that I make or the Health updates that I make, Well.......Not going to stop so you can delete on ladies and gentlemen. It is my Mission the rest of my life to NOT STOP Promoting all of these Chronic Illnesses that so many people are uneducated about. We need the public to know and understand. Awareness is POWERFUL! It can also lead to new discoveries and treatment options. I'm also very open about my life so that others can see that there REALLY IS an up and down ride from day to day. My intention is not for you pity. My intention is not to complain. My FULL INTENTION is so that others can read my struggles and KNOW that they are not alone in their own, Because so many people bottle up their feelings and problems in life. It helps to KNOW that you are not alone. It's also for prayer requests because I believe in a Powerful God who answers ALL prayers in his own timing. Not necessarily in the way we want them, but they are NEVER ignored. Also, you have no idea what just a simple kind word to someone does and how it can dramatically affect their day. They may be suicidal because of the overwhelming PAIN or STRUGGLE and you just gave them a REASON TO LIVE. Just a little word of encouragement goes a long way.

On to the next agenda. Only my closest of closest friends/family will understand this part. Others can just skip over. LOL  As you know I have had to make some very Serious Judgement calls recently. PLEASE continue to pray for me and my family. I need the STRENGTH to fight this emotional tug of war that I am in. I know the differences in right and wrong......but it hurts when you are dealing with people that you care about or have cared for. Just know that you don't always KNOW people the way you think you do. Even after years and years. I am beginning a battle that may take years to overcome and a lifetime to get over. I know that God will hold my hand all the way through and I know that it MUST be done even though it hurts me to the deepest of my core being. However, part of Justice is taking back your power that was stolen from you. I will end on that note. Just know that I am praying for sooooo many of you my dear friends and family. I Love you ALL!