Friday, July 10, 2009

Bad, Bad, Day

Well, today started out like any other day. I woke up feeling like I had not yet went to bed. (Kim I know you are reading this and I know you know how that feels!!) I sipped on my wonderfully delicious coffee and decided how I was going to spend my first day in weeks of not having anything "planned" to do. Katelyn was going to spend a few hours with her daddy so I decided that going back to bed was definately on the agenda. Around lunch time, Katelyn smothered me with kisses as she ran out of the door excited to spend the day with her daddy. Approximately 2.2 seconds later the phone rang and it was my grandmother telling me that my great-grandmother was on the way to Columbia(I had just taken her home yesterday) because she was not feeling well. Bless her soul, she is 89 years old and is the most amazing woman. She can can run circles around me any day of the week. Bottom line, me being the nurse and all I needed to go and check her out as soon as she got into town. As I began to change my mode of thinking and wrap my mind around the idea that a nap was now out of the question, I received a call back from my aunt telling me that my grandmother that just called me to let me know that I needed to come and check out my great-grandmother had just experienced another spell and that they needed me right away. I jumped into my clothes, skipping the shower and took off. When I got there, she had slurred speech and severe weakness. It was apparent that she had experienced another mini-stroke. Follow me now. Keep in mind, we were still waiting on my great grandmother to get there so I could evaluate her. Within the hour we had both of them there. They both needed help and my aunt melissa and I began making the phone calls. I would take great-grandmother to her doctor and she would take my grandmother to the Emergency room. Stress, Stress, Stress. Okay, we all go our seperate ways and to sum it all up....... My great-grandmother's BP was outrageous and my grandmother had another mini-stroke.

I got sicker and sicker as the day went on. I did my best to hang in there because everyone needed me, but I eventually cracked at about 8 o clock. My blood pressure was 155/105. I was nauseaus, shaking all over, in lots of pain, and completely exhausted. I made it home and literally fell on the couch. I must have looked like crap because my poor husband asked me if he needed to carry me to the bed. (haha) I seriously doubt he could pick me up!!! Anyways, pain pills are wonderful miracle workers. I am finally relaxed but doubt I will make it out of the bed tomorrow. The hardest part of all of this is that children DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!!! After all of this my 6 years old cried and cried because she couldnt understand why her friend couldn't spend the night with us tonight.

I have thought over the last couple of years that one good thing out of my illnesses has been that I have been able to be there for my grandparents and great grandmother since I have been unable to work. I am the one that takes them to doctor appointments and things of the sort. As I lay here tonight I wonder, who's going to take care of me.

Heavenly Father please continue to give me the strength to be there for my family and continue to make it one day at a time......