Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Purpose of This Blog

For years, when I would get frustruated I would sit in bed and write out all of my feelings and frustruations. I hate to admit that I have a whole lot of them. A fellow Fibromyalgia/CFS sufferer started a blog and it occurred to me that it would be a great opportunity for me to vent. Well, I passed it off and something happened today that brought it all to the surface for me. I am a daily user of facebook and a Note was posted that indicated various reasons why people would delete someone as their friend on facebook or simply hide their posts so that they didn't show up on their page. One of the reasons listed was that they got sick and tired of people posting about their illnesses, pains, emotional struggles, etc... Yes, I got fired up. MAD was not the word for it. I was offended on a personal level and for others who use facebook and other internet means to connect with friends for daily emotional support and encouragement. These people are supposed to be your friends. I thought to myself, today is the day that I step forward and work on a means of not only venting, but working on things to bring awareness to others about Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, and helping others to know what it's like to live with these illnesses on a daily basis. If no one chooses to read any of this, then I have lost nothing. I have still developed an outlet for my daily struggles as I survive one more day trapped in this body....

So, for now I am in search of the best overall descriptions of Fibromyalgia and CFS so that we have a starting point to go from. In the mean time, May God Bless all of you reading this and grab a hold to someone struggling with a Chronic Health Problem and just let them know that you care.