Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's been quite some time since I have written an update on my life and the feelings of my life, So here goes...

Life has been very challenging for me since Christmas. Lots of changes have been taking place. Some would say, my life is simply complete chaos! After a lot of thinking and praying, I made the decision to start homeschooling both of the kids. WHAT WAS I THINKING? LOL I still make sure that my grandmother and great grandmother get to all of their appointments, and you can usually find me in the evenings several nights a week, typing away on dictations for a part-time job in an attempt to make a little extra money. Every dime helps right? It's been really hard for me since Hubby has worked essentially non-stop since December. Don't get me wrong. I am NOT complaining. I am so thankful that he has taken care of me financially since I have gotten sick. I'm not sure where I would be right now without him, and I am extremely grateful that God has blessed him with a job that he loves. All of that said, things can get a little crazy around the house. No, my house is not in tip top shape anymore, and dinner turns in to takeout quite frequently. Guess what I'm learning. .. Who cares that everything is not in perfect orderly fashion. OMG Did I just say that?? My priorities have definately taken a detour in life. If I can thank Fibromyalgia for one thing, it would be that it has truly changed my views on life.
Having Fibro has really opened my eyes and allowed me to appreciate the little things in life. The laughs of my children, the warm cozy fire, the yummy cup of coffee. We live in such a busy chaotic world, that we so often overlook these things. Maybe that's one thing that made me decide to homeschool my children. Every moment with them is precious.

As far as my health, the specialist I had started traveling out of town to see just informed me a few weeks ago that he is closing his practice and going back to work full-time. That leaves me to find a new doctor. Not too many of them out there that specialize in FMS/CFS. None of which are in Columbia and they all cost an arm and a leg. I'm really up in the air about what to do about that situation right now. I am praying really hard on it. I have two more months of medications and I will either have to quit taking them or have found another doctor. Im not sure they are really helping to be honest. They seemed to work miracles the first few weeks, and then back to square one I went. Some days are a complete struggle to get out of bed. The moment my eyes open(if I ever went to sleep) the pain hits. I guess at least knowing that my children are depending on me to drag myself out of bed in the morning, I have a reason to keep going instead of letting this "THING" ruin my life.

I think that above all, my biggest frustruation right now is feeling like people just dont get it. My desire is that more people would make use of the resources that are available these days and Learn about the illnesses and diseases that their friends and family are dealing with. I am fighting the whole disability process right now because our system is so screwed up and they just dont get it.

Anyways, enough of my rambling. I want to say to all of my friends and family that I am very grateful for all of your prayers and concerns. Please know that when days or weeks go by and we dont talk, it's not because I have forgotten about you. I am merely trying to just keep my head afloat, but I think of all of you daily. When I can't make it to a family event or a night out with the friends/girls, please know that it's not that I dont want to be there with you. I would much rather be spending time with you than lying in bed crying and in pain. I Love You All.